An Unfiltered View from the Contemporary Newsroom

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Election Lost

According to, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain announced today his choice for running mate would be Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the first female Republican to be nominated for Vice President.

I find this funny/stupid on a few counts.

1. She is inexperienced. Much of McCain's platform up until now has been based on calling Sen. Barack Obama a political baby, saying he's inexperienced and couldn't possibly lead effectively. Palin, 44 and even younger even than Obama, has only two years of political experience outside that of civic duties she performed in her small Alaskan town. For instance, here's a quote from an email sent by a concerned Republican voter who said she felt Obama was treating this election like a game, a competition for votes:

"And she's come out of nowhere basically, and nobody knows anything about her. And when you consider she may have to be President someday in case McCain kicks (which is more likely to happen with McCain than Obama) what kind of President is she going to be?

A logical concern I should say.

2. She is a she.
Republicans don't vote for shes the last time I checked. I don't have a problem with a woman running for VP, but much of the conservative bank I can guarantee you, will have a problem with it.

3. She is simply the wrong choice.
If McCain wanted a serious shot at being President, he should have gone with Mitt Romney. The Neo-Con base is bananas over this guy. Personally, I think he personifies everything that is wrong with the Republican party (partisan arrogance, CEO type leadership, could give two flips about those in need etc.) but Republicans would have rallied around him.

Of his pick McCain said, "She's exactly who this country needs to help me fight the same old Washington politics of me first and country second. She's got the grit, integrity, good sense and fierce devotion to the common good that is exactly what we need in Washington today."

This may be so, but what a punch in the face to the Republican party. I'm a self-proclaimed independent, I think both parties have it wrong in their magnetic existence, being pulled together by the arrangement of our government and bouncing off one another with their polar-opposite fundamentals.

However, I truly believe John McCain just lost the election. Too many Republicans don't identify McCain's wishy-washy ways of crossing party lines as a true picture of a Conservative American. And now, he picks a woman for VP?



P.S. As a side note, I'm not sure if very many people are aware that the delegates of the state of Nevada have been rallying around putting their votes in for Ron Paul to be the official nominee at the Republican convention. Could this move by McCain mean more votes for Paul? I think not. But I can hope.


Jason Smith said...

I like McCain's maverick way. But, I agree: it's all over now, baby blue.

Brianna said...

Well... if he said it then now I really really be leave it.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu...

Jason Smith said...

